DIY Grand Budapest Hotel Christmas Ornaments


It’s no secret my quarantine re-watching of every Wes Anderson film has created some deep dive obsessive crafting as a result. I’m not typically a big seasonal decorator, but due to the isolating conditions, lack of stimulus and desire to escape to a Wes Anderson set - it’s about to be a Very Merry Wesmas.

I tried to keep these all as budget friendly as possible, feel free to swap supplies for whatever you can get locally!

I’m starting with a Grand Budapest Hotel inspired Christmas Tree, with 5 different on-theme DIY ornaments. If video references are helpful:

General Supplies:
Glue (I used a hot glue gun)
Ornament Hooks
Blue Ribbon, I ordered “Cornflower” blue from this etsy shop
Small Hole Punch

  1. Mendl’s Box

Additional Supplies:
Updated December 2021 - I’ve created a high-quality Mendl’s printable file available now on Etsy to make your very own boxes with ease!

Step 1: Print the template on heavier cardstock.
Step 2: Cut out the box template.
Step 3: Fold box and along the tab lines.
Step 4: Glue along the tab-lines.
Step 5: To add some structure, I added some tissue paper before gluing the top flap of each box.
Step 6: Tie your ribbon in a bow around the box, before pulling it tight attach an ornament hook.

2. Courtesan au Chocolat

M. Gustave: I must say, I find that girl utterly delightful. Flat as a board, enormous birthmark the shape of Mexico over half her face, sweating for hours on end in that sweltering kitchen, while Mendl, genius though he is, looms over her like a hulking gorilla. Yet without question, without fail, always and invariably, she's exceedingly lovely.

Additional Supplies:
Fimo Foodie Sculpting Clay Kit has all of the colors for this project or you can buy the individual colors in molding clay
Mini Mendl’s box - link coming soon!

Step 1: Follow the same printing, cutting and gluing instructions from the Mendl’s box. The flaps to attach at the front have been removed so that the box will remain open and display your Courtesan Au Chocolat.
Step 2: Punch holes on either side of your Mendl’s box.
Step 3: Glue a small piece of cardboard at the bottom of the box to reinforce.
Step 4: Thread a piece of ribbon through one side of your box, tying a knot on the interior to hold it in place.
Step 5: Bring your other end of your ribbon to the opposite side, threading it through from the outside to the inside and tying a knot to hold the ribbon in place inside the box.
Step 6: Build your Courtesan Au Chocolate with your molding clay. I suggest using a non-stick surface, like tile or I used a cutting board. Watch my video to see how I made and compiled the pieces.
Step 7: Pre-heat your oven to 230F, bake for 25 minutes.
Step 8: Glue your cake to the base of the box.

3. Society of the Crossed Keys

M. Gustave: What is a lobby boy? A lobby boy is completely invisible, yet always in sight. A lobby boy remembers what people hate. A lobby boy anticipates the client's needs before the needs are needed. A lobby boy is, above all, discreet to a fault. Our guests know that their deepest secrets, some of which are frankly rather unseemly, will go with us to our graves. So keep your mouth shut, Zero.

Additional Supplies:
Vintage Style Keys - Etsy or Michaels
Tassels in either pink or blue color scheme

Step 1: Cross the two keys adjoining with a dab of hot glue if the keys are light enough, tie with light wire where they cross if they are heavier.
Step 2: Add the tassel and the ornament hook to an opening at the top of a key.

4. Mendl’s Truck

Additional Supplies:
Target Wondershop Red Truck Ornament

Acrylic paint: pink, red, brown

This one is cheap and easy, these ornaments are $3 at Target.
Step 1: Paint two-coats of pink paint on the truck.
Step 2: Paint the wheels and details brown.
Step 3: If you have a steady hand, paint the Mendl’s Logo and fleurish or simply leave pink and brown.
Step 4: Finally, add blue ribbon as an ornament hanger.

5. Framed Boy with Apple

M. Gustave: I'll never part with it. It reminded her of me; it will remind me of her, always. I'll die with this picture above my bed. See the resemblance?

Zero: Oh... oh, yes.

M. Gustave: Actually, we should sell it.

Additional Supplies:
2x3 Mini Gold Frames

Another simple one, folks. These packs of 2x3 frames can be found at Michaels full-price for $7.99 and you know you can always find a 30% off a full-price item coupon on their website or they are on a steep sale.

Step 1: Print the template on heavier cardstock.
Step 2: Cut-out your Boys with Apple and use your plastic frame cover as a guide for cutting down to size.
Step 3: Frame your Boy with Apple.
Step 4: Add a dab of hot glue to a piece of blue ribbon, creating a loop for an ornament hanger.
Step 5: Hot glue the ornament hanger to the back of your frame.

I’m a firm believer in not decorating before Thanksgiving so I’ll be sharing my full Christmas tree and the rest of my decor DIYs as I go - stay tuned!